URJ Crane Lake Camp

Experience Poland & Israel with your Crane Lake camp friends!


Together with your URJ Crane Lake Camp friends, create and be part of an immersive traveling Jewish community as you connect to our rich European heritage, explore ancient Jerusalem and modern Tel Aviv, the beautiful Galilee and the stunning Negev Desert. The L’Dor V’Dor program is a unique and challenging five week summer experience created especially for teens who seek a meaningful and exciting journey to Poland and Israel filled with amazing memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

*Please note, dates are subject to change based on registration and current airline reservations.
**This program is eligible for a $3,000 RootOne voucher. View additional voucher details and requirements.

Incentive grants of up to $3250 are available!

Instructions on how to apply for scholarship and vouchers* will be provided after families register for a Yallah! Israel program.

*Dependent on RootOne's eligibilty requirements.

Sample Itinerary

Yallah! Israel’s professional staff in Israel and North America have designed an exciting itinerary that ensures great fun and adventure, meaningful discovery and the highest standard of safety and security.

Week Two: B’ruchim Habaim L’Yisrael! – Welcome
Week Three: ha'Boker Or - The Morning Light
Week Four: Shir ha'emek - Song of the Valley
Week Five: Lekach Tov - Taking Israel Back Home

choose your own adventure (chavaya)

It’s your turn to choose your own personal experience. Before leaving for Israel, select one of these exciting 4-day in-depth experiences. This module offers you the opportunity to pursue your own interests while in Israel and make new friends from other Yallah! Israel buses at the same time.

Chavaya options are subject to change.

Yam L’Yam (Sea to Sea)
Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World in Israel)
Gadna (Army Training)
Sar-El (Volunteers for Israel)